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Women's Shelter 24 hr Hotline: 870-793-8111

Men's Shelter 24 hr Hotline: 870-569-8024

Office -870- 569-4467 or 870-793-4011
159 W Main St, Batesville, AR 

Se habla EspaƱol.



Domestic Violence Can Happen to Anyone: any age, any race, and any social class.

Domestic Violence is a crime. Domestic Violence is defined as a pattern of abusive or intimidating tactics that can include psychological, emotional, social, financial, physical, and/or sexual abuse, perpetrated by a intimate partner, family or household member with the goal of establishing and maintaining control over the victim.

DV occurs in many forms, including:

  • Psychological Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Social Abuse
  • Financial Abuse
  • Physical and/or Sexual Abuse

Get in Touch!

Telephone: 870-569-4467 or Email us

159 W Main Street, Batesville, Arkansas